Friday, November 2, 2007

What a Weekend

Being from the midwest, this is going to be one hell of a weekend and every weekend for that matter. Lets start with KU. They once again are getting a bye in my opinion. Then again anything could and has happened this year. There is now way Nebraska beats them this week. However if you believe in motivation well then you might think that Tom Osborn coming back might light a fire in them. I know he is the AD, but he is a figure in that school like no other. Is it possible that he might be having a little more to do with the football team than we all know. It is possible. I guess. That is getting pretty thin though. So I am sticking with the original statement. There is no way KU looses this game. I think that Mangino finally has a football team. Hell If you are in the area and listen to sports radio they are not even talking about the basketball team. Ku and Basketball goes like meat and taters. It just works together, and yet no one is talking about B-Ball. It is all Football right now and as it should be. For the time being. We will have time for B-Ball later.

Now to Mu. Well they have made it this far and yet Pinkel has not had one of his melt downs yet and will he this year. It seems as though he has to have one game a year that they should win and he melts down. Like last year against KU, there is no way KU was the better team and yet MU finds a way to loose it. I know some of you might be saying what about the OU game. I am not going to give that loss to the coach. I think the players lost that one. The interception and fumble, had alot to do with that. I think they got tired of fighting in that game and lost concentration. You have a Heisman quality QB and he makes throw like that. It was a mental break down in the kids part not Pinkle this time. Yet, I believe he will before it is over. It could be this weekend with the Buffaloes. Look this Colorado team is not that bad at all. They are a team on the brink of being a pretty damn good team. A defense that is rising up at time and show some signs of greatness. MU's offense is being called a juggernaut so it could be interesting. I think MU comes out of this game with a victory. I don't think they win big but they will get the win.

This all leads me to think what if. What if KU wins out and wins the Big 12 championship. Do you have to include them in the BCS Championship. I think so. Now if MU wins out and goes to San Antonio and wins there they to could be playing for all the marbles. I think that MU would have to win out and beat a couple of them big. I mean 3 touchdowns or better in at least one or maybe 2 games. All you in the SEC are going to have to start looking at the Big 12 again. No not OU this time or Texas, Or Nebraska. Maybe MU, or KU, Hell I honestly think that CU is going to be a threat in the next year or so. Nebraska, I don't think so there are just to many problems up there and nothing that is going to get fixed soon. Callahan has once again made a mess of something he has touched. Who in the hell would want that job right now. You are at least 2-3 years out.

Then let us not forget that we have the two last unbeaten teams going head to head. How do you call this one. Well here is a little history. Whoever is at home wins. It has been this way for quite some time and it might continue this weekend. However, the sweatshirt guy really has them playing really well and they are killing people right now and there is no sign of them slowing down at all. Are they pissed about spygate or what is it. These men are playing balls out for sure. I think, and some others have the same thought, that someone is going to take it to far and hurt some one. You heat sports talk radio saying it is not running it up. Stop them if you don't like it. Yeah some one is going to say, stop it, ok I will stop it and cut Brady at the knees and out he goes. Why in the hell would you bring Brady back in in the fourth quarter when you are still winning by more than 2 touchdowns. What part of the game made you think Bellacheck, that made you think they might come back and win. Someone is not going to take it to well and freak out and hurt someone. Someone is going to have a bad reaction to the roids and freak the hell out and loose it. Cut a lineman, take Bradys' head off, you know how it is going to happen. Then the whole season is over for them if Brady goes out. There is no one out there who can keep up what he has started. Then again they might not need to if their defense keeps going like it is right now. Oh yeah, I just had to bring that part of the team up huh. Yeah their defense is playing a hell of a lot better than when they won super bowls. So this is a more complete team. Why don't we just call this game the super bowl and play the damn thing. Get it over. Oh I am really wanting to watch this game but my god it is getting old. The hype is ridiculous.

Indi however is going to play them a hell of alot closer than, anyone else has. If Bellacheck had two Brady's, he might bring in the second one and use two QBs'. Are they running up the score, who the hell cares. They are going to have their hands full this weekend. Remember Indi can put up some points. I am getting excited already. Hell I might go ahead and get the smoker warming up Saturday. Get my ribs on and pan of taters and a head or two of cabbage. Get a new 30 pack and get it going right now.

1 Showed Their cohones:

Kitty said...

The chiefs were a real let down today!

But Favre is amazing.