Monday, November 26, 2007

Really Bad Football

So I am all excited about my High School team winning, the college team I support winning, you can read more about the good teams below this one. There is only one team left to win for me to have a great weekend and that team is playing one of the worst teams in the NFL. Yes I am talking about the Kansas City Chiefs. You think for one damn minute these mis haps could win one freaking game for me, or any one else in this city. Hell no they can't. Why can they not win, well here is my theory and this is just my theory. They suck and they suck bad, but not all was lost.

Herm Edwards had his little problem with a kicker in the first part of the season and the pre season. Well here we are in the middle, or past the middle of the season, and we still don't have a damn kicker. What the hell is the problem with these guys, they have one damn job to do and that is to kick the damn ball and we can not get one that can do it. Now, wait a minute, I know that this may not be the easiest thing to do, so there for I went to a local high school football field and tried it myself. I never kicked a football in high school or college or in pop warner. However, From the 15, 20, and 25 yard line I hit 3 - 3 from each stripe. No, it was not very damn pretty, might not have made a couple of them over the blockers if there had been any there, but I made all of them. I then moved to the 30 yard line and and missed the first 3 and then I decided that I was not leaving until I made one. I was short on all of them until about the 9th try then I made it and then I, in my cockiest walk, left. That was a 40 yard field goal and I am not getting paid for this, yet I made the damn thing. I missed the first 8, but made the last one. The point here is this, I am not a professional kicker, hell I have never tried before. These limp legged guys do this stuff for a living and they can't do it either. So there for I am going to try to be a walk on for the Chiefs. Hell they let Lynn Elliot do it for a whole year and these two knuckle heads. So hell I figure at the minimum wages, I can make it long enough to pay off my house right, well ok maybe not. The Chiefs lack of finding someone, anyone to kick the damn ball cost us a game that should have never came down to this, but it did. Because the head coach can not trust the guy we put in that position. The lack of finding the right players is costing this team more than one game. For the last how many years has the Chiefs had games taken away from them because of this. Think back to the 2 Indianapolis games. We was screwed out of our first playoff win and it came down to a damn kicker that can not kick the ground, let alone the ball through the uprights. Why are we cursed with kickers. We have a damn curse I tell you, forget the goat, forget the Bambino, the Chiefs have the kickers curse and it is still killing us.

Now, that is not the only reason we lost, we lost in my opinion because of the play call, there was 9 to 10 men in the box and what the hell do we do, we run the damn ball up the middle. No chance, none at all. Do we not have a naked bootleg play, look ,the new kid was running rough shot over the Raiders on the outside. No one hit him and got him on the first hit, it took at least one more hit, before they brought him down. Koby, did a pretty decent job in his first start. They had not really stopped him all day, why change what your doing. I have always coached and taught you do what your doing until they stop you. Keep on driving until they stop you. If they want to give up 4.5 yards per carry outside then keep doing it until they stop you. No lets run the damn ball up the middle with 10 men there to stop you, and 6 guys to block. That makes a hell of alot of sense huh. I am an old fat man sitting in my chair watching and can see that. The goofs in the box has to see it. Do we not remember the naked bootlegs that Trent Green ran for touchdowns and big yardage. With the speed of today's NFL, most all defensive guys over run mis direction, hell the Broncos beat the Chiefs with it every time they play. KC is not the only team that falls for this, most teams do. Line up in the I formation and convince the defense your doing what you always do and then bootleg out or sweep outside, at least give the kid with a little speed a chance at making a play for you since the incompetence of the management can not find a kicker. This play alone took the game away from us. Then you have the great 2 time out call. What kind of coach does this, you CAN NOT do this in the NFL. If you want to review the damn thing then fine you throw your little red flag on the field and you review it. While they zebras are hid behind curtain number one, talk about what wrong play you are going to run to take you out of the game. Obviously your not going to call a play to give you a chance, so hell do this while they are reviewing the call. That just for the record was a bonehead decision to ask for that anyway, but hell don't cost yourself 2 timeouts.

Look you had a new kid running the ball and he did a damn good job. Was it the line all of a sudden playing, or just this kid getting hit once and bouncing off and making a play. Don't say the Raiders defense sucks, we all knew that. You trying to tell me that everyone we have played is ranked in the top 10 in rushing defense. I don't think so. I think probably a little of all the above, but the first happened alot on my tv. You have got to go with what works, piss on your game plan, that sucks most every Sunday by the way, and run what works. This team use to have a huge home field advantage and anymore, you might as well play on a neutral field, cause this field is not working anymore. I, in closing, feel sorry for alot of these guys on this team that deserve better. You have a few guys that are on this field bleeding red and gold and getting their collective asses handed to them week in and out. Queen Carl, I think it is time for you to move on and let someone that knows football fill in for you. You want to stay on board, fine you handle advertising and public relations. That is something you are good at. You do not have the stadium filled and will not fill the seats until you figure out your 5 year plan. We was fed that crap about, what, 20 years ago. Come on Queen Carl, it is time to move on. Clark Hunt you have to see what your daddy could not see. I know this is a business, but Jesus Christ, you have to give us something don't you. I mean you would not continue to keep buying the same shitty food if it did not change would you. You would not keep buying the same shitty tires for your car or truck if once every 6 months you have to buy new ones would you. Come on, give us something. You know that we want to keep filling the seats and we want to keep rooting for you, all we are asking for is a little help. It is always feast or famine with you guys. Give us a great offense and no, I mean no defense, then like now you give us a defense and absolutely nothing on offense. Can you not give us a little of both. Don't have to be awesome on both sides, but hell, how about a good offense and an above average defense. How about a 15th ranked defense and a top 10 ranked offense. You have it in the works, I truly believe now all you need to help out is someone to block. You have 2 pieces but they are going to retire before long. Give us a damn line and fire the Offensive Coordinator, and we will be happy and you will fill the seats. Don't tell me that, that is not all you care about, cause it is and you friggin know it. If that is not all you cared about you would have put together a offense to go with the Marty Ball defense. You would have given us a defense to go with the Dick Vermil era offense. Did you even make an attempt? Here, I will answer that, NO you did not. Don't give me that crap that you did, you know you didn't. The seats was filled and that is what you was aiming for. Screw you all I am done, until you can at least make an effort. At least try harder than your friggin kickers are.

Keep reading below for the weekend of all football weekends continues. MU, KU, and some high school football also.

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