Thursday, November 29, 2007

Big 12 Showdown

Well here we are all excited around here about our Tigers going to the Big 12 Championship game in El Paso. Showdown at the ole Alamo. So how many times do you get a second chance to redeem yourself in the college game. Very seldom, if ever. Well, the Tigers get their chance to do just that Saturday. The two teams are better than when they played in their first meeting, however, I do believe that the MU Tigers have the better chance this time, and here are the reasons behind my prediction.

OU has not played very well at all on the road this year. As a matter of a fact in some games they have played really bad. Look at the game at Colorado, this was a game that they should have won and won big time. You know like MU did when they played the Buffs. The Tigers held Colorado to no offensive scores at all in that game. 55 - 10 was the final and yet OU, you loose, only by 3, but you loose. Then we have the A&M team that they lost again on the road. Now granted the 12th man is a tough place to play, but if you are going to tell us that you are deserving of the national championship, then this is a game that you have to win. Again you lost this game by a touchdown and MU well, they took care of business, 40 - 26 that is 2 touchdowns and it was not really that close. If it makes you feel good then you can call it as close as you wish. Then another team that we both have in common. Iowa State, you beat by 10 and we again won by 14. Chase is number 4 in the nation your freshman is number 40. 3rd down conversions MU is #2 and OU #6. MU still has scored at least 30 points in every game and Ou had not scored at least 30 points in 4 games, and you have lost 2 of the four when you have not scored at least 30 points. OU is averaging 43.8 ppg and MU is averaging 42.1 ppg, so there you are beating us in scoring average. So the loosing half of the games you don't score 30 in, this will make you feel better. MU #5 in passing yards per game and OU #35. OU #29 in rushing and MU #41 in rushing yards per game. So there is another one for you. Well kind of, our star back was out for a couple of weeks, then again the back up did a fairly decent job it helping out. OU 70 penelties for 578 yards and MU 63 for 502 yards. Passing yards by QB, MU 3951 and OU 2670. This is a big difference, over 1300 yards.

Ok that is enough of the damn stats, this game is going to come down to heart and the will to win this game. I am sorry OU but I have to give the heart stat to the Tigers here also. If you look at a few of their games they never lost their hearts. The reports after the KU win, while still in the locker room, the players of MU was asking to start looking at film right then. They did not want a day off, they was ready to prepare for the next challenge. OU, I have to ask you this, how in the hell do you loose to Colorado, no heart. None at all. Your QB went down and you layed down and give up. You was lost without him. You have to have a little defense to win that game. I know your QB went out of the game, but you still had a chance to win that game with your defense and you did not do that. From a radio talk show, a host from Oklahoma, your coach, Mr Stoops, forgot that you had a great running back and you did not use him. There will be no way you make a mistake like that and stay in this game.

So with all the above stats and all the technicalities, I believe this game comes down to the line of scrimmage. Who ever wins this battle will win the game. I say that right after I seen Chase run around for what seemed like ten minutes and complete a pass for a touchdown. So maybe MU has the edge here also. This kid was faced with several long third downs and what does he do, he goes out and makes a play for his team. I wish you both luck, but I really honesty believe that MU wins this game and moves on to the National championship game. My final score prediction is this. MU wins 35 - 24. I think the 11 points will go the other way this time. We all know it is tough to beat a team twice in one year.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Really Bad Football

So I am all excited about my High School team winning, the college team I support winning, you can read more about the good teams below this one. There is only one team left to win for me to have a great weekend and that team is playing one of the worst teams in the NFL. Yes I am talking about the Kansas City Chiefs. You think for one damn minute these mis haps could win one freaking game for me, or any one else in this city. Hell no they can't. Why can they not win, well here is my theory and this is just my theory. They suck and they suck bad, but not all was lost.

Herm Edwards had his little problem with a kicker in the first part of the season and the pre season. Well here we are in the middle, or past the middle of the season, and we still don't have a damn kicker. What the hell is the problem with these guys, they have one damn job to do and that is to kick the damn ball and we can not get one that can do it. Now, wait a minute, I know that this may not be the easiest thing to do, so there for I went to a local high school football field and tried it myself. I never kicked a football in high school or college or in pop warner. However, From the 15, 20, and 25 yard line I hit 3 - 3 from each stripe. No, it was not very damn pretty, might not have made a couple of them over the blockers if there had been any there, but I made all of them. I then moved to the 30 yard line and and missed the first 3 and then I decided that I was not leaving until I made one. I was short on all of them until about the 9th try then I made it and then I, in my cockiest walk, left. That was a 40 yard field goal and I am not getting paid for this, yet I made the damn thing. I missed the first 8, but made the last one. The point here is this, I am not a professional kicker, hell I have never tried before. These limp legged guys do this stuff for a living and they can't do it either. So there for I am going to try to be a walk on for the Chiefs. Hell they let Lynn Elliot do it for a whole year and these two knuckle heads. So hell I figure at the minimum wages, I can make it long enough to pay off my house right, well ok maybe not. The Chiefs lack of finding someone, anyone to kick the damn ball cost us a game that should have never came down to this, but it did. Because the head coach can not trust the guy we put in that position. The lack of finding the right players is costing this team more than one game. For the last how many years has the Chiefs had games taken away from them because of this. Think back to the 2 Indianapolis games. We was screwed out of our first playoff win and it came down to a damn kicker that can not kick the ground, let alone the ball through the uprights. Why are we cursed with kickers. We have a damn curse I tell you, forget the goat, forget the Bambino, the Chiefs have the kickers curse and it is still killing us.

Now, that is not the only reason we lost, we lost in my opinion because of the play call, there was 9 to 10 men in the box and what the hell do we do, we run the damn ball up the middle. No chance, none at all. Do we not have a naked bootleg play, look ,the new kid was running rough shot over the Raiders on the outside. No one hit him and got him on the first hit, it took at least one more hit, before they brought him down. Koby, did a pretty decent job in his first start. They had not really stopped him all day, why change what your doing. I have always coached and taught you do what your doing until they stop you. Keep on driving until they stop you. If they want to give up 4.5 yards per carry outside then keep doing it until they stop you. No lets run the damn ball up the middle with 10 men there to stop you, and 6 guys to block. That makes a hell of alot of sense huh. I am an old fat man sitting in my chair watching and can see that. The goofs in the box has to see it. Do we not remember the naked bootlegs that Trent Green ran for touchdowns and big yardage. With the speed of today's NFL, most all defensive guys over run mis direction, hell the Broncos beat the Chiefs with it every time they play. KC is not the only team that falls for this, most teams do. Line up in the I formation and convince the defense your doing what you always do and then bootleg out or sweep outside, at least give the kid with a little speed a chance at making a play for you since the incompetence of the management can not find a kicker. This play alone took the game away from us. Then you have the great 2 time out call. What kind of coach does this, you CAN NOT do this in the NFL. If you want to review the damn thing then fine you throw your little red flag on the field and you review it. While they zebras are hid behind curtain number one, talk about what wrong play you are going to run to take you out of the game. Obviously your not going to call a play to give you a chance, so hell do this while they are reviewing the call. That just for the record was a bonehead decision to ask for that anyway, but hell don't cost yourself 2 timeouts.

Look you had a new kid running the ball and he did a damn good job. Was it the line all of a sudden playing, or just this kid getting hit once and bouncing off and making a play. Don't say the Raiders defense sucks, we all knew that. You trying to tell me that everyone we have played is ranked in the top 10 in rushing defense. I don't think so. I think probably a little of all the above, but the first happened alot on my tv. You have got to go with what works, piss on your game plan, that sucks most every Sunday by the way, and run what works. This team use to have a huge home field advantage and anymore, you might as well play on a neutral field, cause this field is not working anymore. I, in closing, feel sorry for alot of these guys on this team that deserve better. You have a few guys that are on this field bleeding red and gold and getting their collective asses handed to them week in and out. Queen Carl, I think it is time for you to move on and let someone that knows football fill in for you. You want to stay on board, fine you handle advertising and public relations. That is something you are good at. You do not have the stadium filled and will not fill the seats until you figure out your 5 year plan. We was fed that crap about, what, 20 years ago. Come on Queen Carl, it is time to move on. Clark Hunt you have to see what your daddy could not see. I know this is a business, but Jesus Christ, you have to give us something don't you. I mean you would not continue to keep buying the same shitty food if it did not change would you. You would not keep buying the same shitty tires for your car or truck if once every 6 months you have to buy new ones would you. Come on, give us something. You know that we want to keep filling the seats and we want to keep rooting for you, all we are asking for is a little help. It is always feast or famine with you guys. Give us a great offense and no, I mean no defense, then like now you give us a defense and absolutely nothing on offense. Can you not give us a little of both. Don't have to be awesome on both sides, but hell, how about a good offense and an above average defense. How about a 15th ranked defense and a top 10 ranked offense. You have it in the works, I truly believe now all you need to help out is someone to block. You have 2 pieces but they are going to retire before long. Give us a damn line and fire the Offensive Coordinator, and we will be happy and you will fill the seats. Don't tell me that, that is not all you care about, cause it is and you friggin know it. If that is not all you cared about you would have put together a offense to go with the Marty Ball defense. You would have given us a defense to go with the Dick Vermil era offense. Did you even make an attempt? Here, I will answer that, NO you did not. Don't give me that crap that you did, you know you didn't. The seats was filled and that is what you was aiming for. Screw you all I am done, until you can at least make an effort. At least try harder than your friggin kickers are.

Keep reading below for the weekend of all football weekends continues. MU, KU, and some high school football also.

Major Football

Well, well, well, Saturday has come and gone and I am almost completely satisfied in regards to football. Lets start with on of the most dominating teams in High School football. The Harrisonville Wildcats have done what no one has done for several years now and with one more trip they will be tied for most consecutive trips. They come out and immediately start right where they left off, Sean Ransburg, running wild through the MCIDS Rams defense. He threw where he wanted and when he wanted. Oh yeah he missed a few, a couple to long and what not, but he hit when it mattered. The running backs had their way also with the Rams. It was never really a game at all in my opinion. Harrisonville coach, Fred Bouchard said earlier that that loss to them in 2004, still sticks with him, it is something that sticks in his craw. Well coach, this is twice now you have dominated them and in a big way. Harrisonville won by 35 points, 49 – 14. This is not a close game, not in a state title this is suppose to be the best that the state has, this is not an insult to the Rams of MICDS, but is this the state has or is Harrisonville just this good. I know that I am partial, but I am going with that latter. This team is this good and from the looks of younger players they might be this good for quite some time. We are looking at a Dynasty in the high school ranks. This team has now won 41 straight games and I have heard this is the 8th longest streak in the NATION. I made that bold so you got the point in the nation. They have had one loss in 2005, it was the first game of the season and it was to a 5A school, and they made it close. Some say the Cats give that game away. You know what though if a 3A school looses to a 5A school I will give them that loss and not hold it against them. Would have been nice to say they have won 56 straight games, as they went undefeated the prior year. I only want to say to Coach Bouchard, congratulations to you and your team on another quality year and look forward to bragging on you in the next years to come. 3-peat sounds good don’t it. Well I will be here for the 4- peat also.

Now to the second part of my great weekend. As you all have read in the past few days that I am a huge MU fan, and I have been dreaming of this win for days now and it has all come true for me. Now if the BCS don’t screw them again in the rankings. MU went on to that field and dominated this KU team like they have not seen or imagined all year. I know exactly what the KU fans are going to be saying and I am writing this early on Sunday so when they all start their crying on Monday it is here as proof. You see when KU losses in basketball all you hear is that the officiating was atrocious and cost them the game. You will hear that also here, with a few calls that should or should not have been called we win that game. With out the turnovers we win that game. Their will be no credit given to the Tigers defense that forced those turnovers just excuses that is all you will hear and you that listen all the time know it. If you don’t believe me tune into to the sports radio stations on Monday and you will hear it all. Then you can tune back in here and leave a comment saying you are right. You see the pretty people never, and I mean never take responsibility for what has actually happen. They have to have a reason why something happened. Well, all you freaking Johnson county asses here let me give you your excuses. You got your asses handed to you in the first half and the beginning of the second half. Man”GINA” had no idea what to do, from the look on his face he was hungry and that is all I seen. Feed me, Feed me. Look there will be no excuses at all you got beat and that is that, the officiating was not unfair. Hell, every time the Tigers got close they made stupid mistakes and get moved back. They give you every chance to take this game. How many 3rd and 20 + was there or 3rd and 18. Chase Daniels may not or probably not win the little bronze guy, but by god he needs to be invited anyway. This man went out on this field and made plays when he needed to. I have never seen one guy make that much difference in one game. Every time the Tigers needed a pass they got it and they got from him. Look back at the 3rd and 18 or 19 whatever it was and he runs around for an hour back there and finds the open guy and puts the ball in a box for the receiver. It was a perfect pass and no one was going to get it except for whom he wanted to get it. I think that only reason that it got as close in the second half as it did was that the MU offense started shutting down a little, it almost looked like to me that Pinkel was playing prevent offense, run the clock down and we will be fine. It looked to me like there was not the aggressiveness that I seen in the 1st half. I started to get a little worried there for a bit. But hey the kids kept scoring and kept scoring. Though be it, it was field goals, but they kept scoring. Now give it to the Jayhawks, they scored every time they got the ball in the 4th, and they scored quickly also. The defense was not playing as close and tight as they were earlier in the game. They got the win and that is all that matters to me and, a lot of people.

As I said last week the Jayhawks have not been challenged like this all year. They have not played on ranked team. They play one ranked team and they get their collective asses handed to them. Rock, CHOKE, Jayhwks. That is what is was, a first class choking and strangling. 11-0 I know you have done things right, but you was not challenged all year and you KU fans know it. That is why you should have been ranked right back there with Hawaii all along. Neither of you have been challenged, by anyone, with a winning record or a ranked team all year. Now that you are back around probably 9 or maybe 10 you are where you should be. Look I have said it before and will continue to say it, I am a big 12 fan and I am sure you will probably get a bcs game, well if you are all smart enough to root for MU. You see if MU wins, then you have a BCS birth. Otherwise you don’t get that. They will only take 2 big 12 teams, MU will be 1 if they beat the Sooners, and then you will be the other. So get the feathers out of your mouths and root for whom you know should win this next game. I think this time around OU will not prevail.

Good game to the Tigers and the Jayhawks, Pinkel did not have his coaching stroke I thought he might have and the MANGINAS got their ass whipped just good enough in one half to loose site of the tigers. The clown suit looks good on you Coach Mangina, wear it with pride, you deserve it. Be back later with another report on the Chiefs.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

Well I hope that everyone had a great turkey day and did not eat so much that you are now miserable and will be for the next day. A day of great food and football, and we are getting closer and closer to the border war. I know maybe alot of you are getting tired of hearing about this damn game. However I am really getting excited the closer it comes to a reality. I have studied the stats and looked at them again and again and try to match them up player by player. When KU is on offense and then MU on offense and I am not finding anything that really sets the two apart. KU has a pretty good defense and yet I think, yeah but they have not played against anyone that is ranked. Have they played against anyone with this type of offense or this many weapons. I answer no to all the above. But then again the KU boys are hot right now and then I start to think that for the most part that Mangino has owned Pinkel. Then again these are 2 completely different teams also. The game last year went with MU, but this KU defense is a little better. The MU defense was questionable at best at the beginning of the year, then they have held opponents to little or no scores. Look what they did to Nebraska, they did not give up one offensive score.

Who is the leader here? Who has the advantage in this game? Will KU have the home field advantage? Supposingly they are going to have the majority of the seats filled at Arrowhead. The tickets was not sold in a order that keeps the KU fans on one side and the MU fans on one side. That might make a difference in the noise level for both teams. If KU does have more fans, if they are spread out amongst the MU fans maybe the noise won't be so loud.

Are you starting to see what the hell I am going through here. I have thought and thought about this and I can not get the answer that I am looking for. As you all know by now I am a MU fan, and I am looking for something that might lead me to believe that MU is going to win this game and head off to the League Championship against Texas or OU, whoever the hell that is going to be. I have also played this scenerio through my mind that if LSU looses, and MU wins out, is it possible that KU gets enough votes to maybe stay in the #2 spot. I mean if the game is like a 21-20 game, naturally MU winning, then the polls could look at it like, hey they played them tough and maybe deserving of staying in the hunt. Then I think I don't want to have to play them again if we get by them the first time. I am sick aren't I? I need help. I should maybe start drinking right now.

Finally I come to the conclusion that, who cares who wins, at least a Big 12 team will be in the hunt. I guess that should be good enough for me. Either way it is going to be one hell of a game. The national spotlight is on my 2 local teams.

Speaking of local teams I have a high school post just below I think it might be worthy of a read..

Hrrisonville High School

The Harrisonville Wildcats are heading to St. Louis for the 5th straight year. They have won 3 of the last 4 state titles at this point. They have won 40 straight games. This is a 3A class school and the only game they have lost in the last 5 years was the first game in the 2005 season, to a 5A school. That is right, a 5A school, is their only loss in the last 5 seasons. I think it is safe to say we will give them that one, but then again it would be 55 straight games. I forgive you for the one loss.

This year the Wildcats will be facing a team that they know and know all to well. In the first meeting in 2004 the Cats was up on them by 25 points and then the MCIDS Rams made a comeback and ended up winning in triple overtime. I sat and watched this game and thought to myself, what the hell is going on here. In high school football in Missouri in overtime, each team gets the ball at the 20 and they get their chance to score. Then the opposing team gets their chance from the 20 also. If the score is still tied we keep playing until it is broken. In 2004 both teams scored then in the 3rd overtime MCIDS scores a field goal. The Cats march in closer and on 4th down they decide to go for the win and not the for sure 3 points to tie the game. I am sitting their thinking, what the hell are you doing for christs sakes. I could not believe what I was watching. The next year in 2005 we get the same team, and this time coach Bouchard, decides that there is no way in hell that there will be a repeat. The Cats hold them to under 100 total yards in 4 quarters. A new state record. The Cats kept them out of the end zone and no field goals at all. It was 42 - 0 if my memory serves me right. A complete domination in all aspects of the game. The class 3A giants or juggernauts, showed the state what a powerhouse is and what they are made of. I sat in amazement watching the game.

So this year we are meeting the same team, this is 3 times in the last 4 years. This game will also be on Saturday, the same as the big game in KC. I think I have mentioned that one it is the KU, MU game. I have a complete day of some damn exciting games to listen and watch. I am almost beside myself. Oh hell, back to the Cats. I have said and I think it is true in every aspect. I don't think that anyone in this class can beat the boys. As I watch the cats play I see what is happening, the Cats are wearing the other teams down. They can not keep up for 4 quarters. Oh, they give it a hell of a try and keep their heads up for most of the game and then it happens. The Cats take off and leave them all trying to get a glimpse of them through the dust that is the Harrisonville Wildcats. In the semi final game against another undefeated team it was close in the first half and then it happened. 21-15 at the break and then in the 3rd quarter the Cats took the lead and never really looked back. The Cats had a few slips in this one and fumbled a pass that was thrown across the middle and the ball came out. Giving the Eagles another chance. Cats holding them to 0 points then Harrisonville gets the ball back only to fumble again. and the Eagles got into the end zone. Then, it was all over but the crying, so to speak.

So now they are off the meet the team that beat them 3 years ago. I read an article in the St Louis dot com page that had coach Bouchard as quoted saying, he remembers that game and it sticks in his crawl. I think that if the Cats have the chance they will put them away quick this year again. I see them pulling out all strings and trying to get ahead quick and stay ahead and not to look back. I see Sr. Ransburg having a huge day o the ground and through the air. I see receivers making catches that they might have dropped in other circumstances. I see it this way for this next reason. You see this has to be one of the best coaches in the state, and we have him. Coach Bouchard continues to coach until the gun is sounded at the end of the 4th quarter. He is still coaching and teaching with 5 seconds left on the board. Still getting the attention of his players and making sure he hears them, he does not stand for second best. He settles for what his player is capable of and no less. To that I take my hat off to you coach.

Good Luck Cats and I hope to see you come home with your state champs shirts on and smile all around. I will be rooting from the comfort of my house listening online or the radio. I can not even think about leaving and missing the other game.

Good Luck and be safe on your journey.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Border War

Well it is that time of year that we have grown accustomed to for quite some time now. It is time for KU and MU to face off. That last football game of the regular season for the two teams. This year however it means alot more, this game means everything. By everything I mean the winner goes on and the looser has everything it has worked for all year ripped from their hands in one game. The winner goes on to play against, probably OU for the league championship. The winner of that game arguably will be playing for the national title.

So now the question is, what the hell is all the fuss. Yeah, this is an important game and it means a bunch to both teams. But, why do we call this a war. Well, here is a small example of this. In 1863 William Quantrill storms into Lawrence and starts his killing of men women and children, and burn the town down on his way out of town. This is history, this really happened, stay with me for a second. Then In 1859 a man by the name of John Brown led his troop of Jayhawkers into Missouri and started to defend his state and quoting all the way, "Keeping America safe from Missouri since 1854." Yeah there is a little history here, and most of it was do to rather Kansas was going to enter the union as a free state or not. The bad blood has been going on for this long. Now, I am not suggesting that this part is still alive, or am I. Well there has been a few t-shirts surfacing around the two campus'. I think that they are all being worn in good fun, if there is such a thing in this relation, but still being worn nonetheless.

Now add in the factor of a huge game. This is arguably the biggest game in all of college football this year, or in a long time for that matter. Some are saying there has never been a game of such magnitude. That might be a stretch but, it is rumored to that affect. Look I do have to say right now this may be one of the best games of the year for sure. I know you have alot of rivalrys, but this one is huge for both schools. We have heard all year that Kansas has not played anyone in the top 25 and that is true, they have played an incredibly weak non conference schedule, They played the first 4 games at home and then we heard well, hell, ok they can win at home lets see what they do on the road. They won on the road. Well, lets see what they do in their conference, they are undefeated. No it is not a very tough conference schedule, but they did no make the schedule, the big 12 does that for them. I think they have proved thus far they are deserving of their current ranking. Did I mention that I was a Missouri fan.

I know I have just spent that last few lines talking up the Jaykawks, but damn it they deserve it. Now, Jayhawks this might be where you turn your head for a minute. Missouri has played a tougher non conference schedule, and won. They did go on the road and win. They are the only team in the country averaging at least 30 points in every game they have played. Oh yeah by the way only two of those games was in the thirties, the remaining games was in the forties or higher. The defense was shaky in the beginning, then they hold pathetic Nebraska team to NO offensive scores at all. Ku wins in Colorado by 5 and Mizzou puts a clown suit on them. They play a ranked Ou team and is winning that game in the fourth quarter, and one play that Chase Daniels and his receiver are on the wrong page and the game turns and then a late fumble. I am not making excuses for them. I mean look this is a game they should have won, but you as a team, have to be ready to play and step up in big games. This was a huge game and they lost. That being said, they played them really tough. Now, that latest boning that MU gets is, WV leaping over them in the BCS rankings. I don't understand that one at all and for that matter no one really does. For some reason the computers love KU and that is fine. I don't think that MU is getting the respet that they deserve, even though they are averaging 30 points a game and winning big and Chase Daniels is being looked at for the little bronz guy. Still not getting the love they deserve, well not in the same way or degree that their border rivals are and that is wrong.

We can erase all of this with two more wins for either team. That would be two more wins against teams in the top 10, how in the hell do you keep them out of the Title game? I tell you how you don't. No matter who it is you have to put them in the top game of the year. The only thing that would make this a better year is if some way the two teams could somehow be in the final game playing against each other for the title. I know that is not possible. Then again this year I think has proved that anything could happen. Both schools are in the national spotlight and showing week in and week out that they deserve any and all they receive.

Good luck to you both and . . . . .

Damn it I hope MU wins.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Trouble, and what trouble we have. Lets start with OJ. No, Whitlock this is not a bash against your brothers, don't try to turn this into a racial thing. Take that back to your page no room for this page. Ok, now here we go. OJ baby said it like this, and I am paraphrasing, I want a jury. Hell yeah you want a jury, the first one set you free from murder. Slayed them all over hell and you leave your dna and because it didn't fit we had to acquit. Sweet mother of Jesus, what the hell is wrong the the US Americans on juries. You don't suppose that the charges in Las Vegas will finally put him away. He tried to steal football cards and this is going to get him put where he should have been along time ago. You don't think that they will let him go again and another book if he did it do you. You think anyone in Vegas will let him off. The jury of his peers in Vegas? No friggin' way. Right tell me you don't think this is possible. Hell he tried to steal a Joe Montana card. That is grounds enough right? Did yo not hear the tapes of him in there raging on and on. Ok, I am not going any farther with this. I think you all get the picture. I must move on to drugs.

So Barry Bonds now has federal charges brought against him. For Purgery and obstruction of justice, this all from a 4 year long investigation. You remember when he stated in court he never took the drugs or sold them or any of that. Well, maybe he did huh, or is this a case of a past girlfriend running off at her trap. You see now we are going to get into the tainted record the asterisk and all that crap. Well, as I had said before that baseball said it was ok and he did it. It was against the law but not against baseball law. I don't want to hear the well it still took the ability to hit the ball, he had to have the hand eye coordination to hit the ball, the talent. Yeah, yeah i know and I also know that it also takes some degree of strength to hit it as far as he did. Look I know that technique plays a big part in hitting it a long way. Look baseball is one of the only sports that you don't have to be big, tall, muscular, and all that. You do have to have the athletic ability to play the game. To hit the ball a long way, I mean out of the park and into the ocean, you have to have some strength. Not the strength of the Hulk, but you have some strength to hit bombs like he has hit, and a lot of them. I wonder if baseball knew about this indictment, maybe that is why no one picked him up huh. No other team wanted him on their team. Maybe baseball knew about this and hell maybe even baseball helped to get the charges brought on him. Well, this way baseball is not the bad guy, you know. I did not do it they did.

So, now is the record tainted if he is charged with lying about the roids. I personally say yeah if you cheat then what you gain from that does not count. If it is proven that he cheated then take it all away. Baseball has to make a stand on this and maybe the rest will not try to do the same shit over and over again. It is like stealing if you get caught you don't get to keep it, sorry you have to give it back. You did not get it honestly and you did not have to put in the same amount of work as the others. I am ready to say this and will not back down from it if it is proven that he cheat, he has to give it back and baseball should take it away from him. I , we, you, deserve better and we should demand it this way also.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Ok around the NFL, Lets start with Miami, once again they loose and they are not loosing to good teams they are just loosing and loosing ugly. The more I watch these guys they might go win less all year. i am not seeing anyone on their schedule any easier than a few of them they have already played. I also think that if they go win less the undefeated season needs to be erased. I mean hell, loosing all 16 games is much more memorable than the undefeated, season. Would you not agree? Hell yeah you would agree and you know it.

Now to St. Louis, don't get the big head you are still not a very good team, hell you are not even an average team. Actually of the two Missouri teams you are the worst of the two and no that is not saying much but it is true.

Now, Indianapolis, what the hell was you doing in the first half of this game. You let an average team beat you. I mean an average team beat you. Peyton Manning proves that yes even he is human and you can have a bad game and a bad day. 6 ints that is the most by him, and yet in the second half what happens. Yes they start a comeback, they do this missing their number one receiver and a few others. I think that maybe coach did not have them ready for this game and this is the biggest reason for this loss. Well, besides the KICKER. Don't you just hate to see your team by the un -athelete loose a game for you. Your offense comes in and gives you a chance to win the game with only 90 seconds left. A 29 yard attempt and you friggin miss it. I hate to talk about kickers, I mean I hate to talk about them. They are the heart breakers of the league. I remember a kicker in KC that lost a playoff game for KC and I have never liked them since. Probably never like them again. Lets face it, they are not athletes and you or anyone else will convince me of that. You can talk till your blue in the face. What the hell do they do, nothing kick the damn ball. And what do you do, you friggin don't do your job. Look I can see it if it is a long attempt. this was not much more than an extra point, and you flippin miss it.You Elliotted the damn ball. 29 friggin yards and you missed it. You should be beaten with a tube sock filled with soap. The only job you have is to kick the damn ball. No on is trying to knock your head off and no one is trying to kill you, KICK THE DAMN BALL.

Ok now to the NFC, yeah I hate to admit it, but Dallas my be the best team in the NFC. All though the Packers is a damn close second to them. Romo is throwing the ball really well and has a great long ball game. The addition of Owens might not have been such a bad idea huh. Alot of professional media folks was saying that Green Bay was a good bad team. Well let me tell you something this is the best bad team I have ever seen. Brett Favre is playing like he has another 5 years to play, and his team is almost rallying behind him. They actually have moderate running game. But the old man is still just as accurate as he was in his 3rd year. We have watched him win two ball games with his arm and his arm only. Perfect throws and great catches. This whole team rallies behind him, and everyone knows it. Tell me different and then prove it. That's right you can't prove it. This hall of famer is still got his shit. Not like he use to but good enough to win a few games huh.

BCS, there are alot of people and rankers seem to think that KU does not deserve to be there at number 3. Well look here they are undefeated like I have said and they have won on the road and beating people bad. Not just beating people but beating the hell out of them. Look I knkow their non conferance schedule is pitiful, but that is what it is. Tell who LSU has played that is stellar. Tell me who oregon has played the is stellar. That is right thay have not played anyone that is that great. Then again no one has really played agreat schedule. That is the key, play who you need to and that is about it. Play games that make you look good not to weak but the teams you knw or think you can handle and handle well. KU set up this schedule to give their boy s the confidance to play well and keep playing. Well it had worked and it is appearant to all now. The national boys are even looking at this team. Only one thing I am not sure of and I pose this question to you. What about MU, now I know you are going to say they have lost one. Yeah they lost one and they layed that top ranked team very good and should have won that game. Could have should have I know. They lost a few turnovers and interceptions, and this was the difference in the game. Mu beat the Colorado, team that kU beat 19 - 14, by 2+ scores. They have put clown suits on alot of people this year. I am really looking forward to the Big showdown in a couple of weeks. This game is going to be huge and we all know it. I know some of you reading this may not be Big 12 fans and might even say that this is the weakest league in the country. Is it? Well, the big 12 has four teams in the top 25, that is not to bad. They also have 3 teams in the top 5. Thats right I said top 5. Now, all three teams have a chance at the national championship game. They all have a good chance at the game. They have to play each other to get there and that is what makes this so exciting. First off KU, plays Mu then the winner most likely will play OU for the championship game in the big 12. This winner will, I believe, will be playing for all the marbles. This is not a fans far fetched perspective this is a very realistic observation.

I guess we will all see huh.

The Chiefs Tank Another One

Well once again the Chiefs tank another one. The return of Preist Holmes was the only exciting part of the game you might say. Guess what, he did no worse than Larry Johnson was doing. He averaged just over 3 yards per carry. The one thing that Priest did do was he did throw several nice blocks to help protect Huard. This is the one thing that the Chiefs need to be somewhat efficient in the passing game. Bowe had another couple of really nice catches and made a few plays. Brody Croyle comes in and has a so so showing. He had sharp passes and yeah he did have the one INT. Although being fair to him it takes some time to get going and really get accustomed to the action. This will take him several weeks for him to grasp this. As I wrote earlier Brett Favre and John Elway started both of their careers really shaky with interceptions. So there is more to rating a quarterback and how he did, in his first significant play time. He had 1 int and no tds. he was still able to move the team down the field twice one ended with a bonehead move on Preists' part and then you had the int. But in all he did not to bad start. Lets see if Herm will leave him in as the starter.

Ok, back to the part of the story that sparked this column. LJ wanted the big bucks and he has them and has not shown up yet. 559 total rushing yards and a 3.5 average per carry, not to mention he can not block. He can't even fall in front of someone and make them miss the QB. This is not exactly big money type numbers huh. Not in the least. So we bring in a man who has not played for two years, has not seen any significant NFL speed for two years. What does he do, well he averages just over 3 yards per carry and besides the one bonehead play at the 7 yard line and a loss of 14 yards. He does a nice job. All you have heard around this part of the country for that last week was, "oh my god what are we going to do without LJ?" Well it appears to me that you went out and layed an egg just like you have for the other 8 games. So to all redio shows in KC find something worth talking about, we have discussed this all weeka and like I have told several of you we would not be loosing anything and it has now become a reality. You have way bigger stories to report on and talk about. I have a feeling the BCS polls will give you something to complain about and run in the ground all week. Hey Chiefs, you let a team that was last in defense against the run and not good at all against the pass and has had no offense to speak of all year. Then you let them put a Bozo suit on you and you wore it well too, by the way. The defense let you down 4 times late in the game, letting the Denver receivers run rough shot over you most of the second half. up until that point the defense held their own, was getting good pressure on Cutler. Then all of a sudden you give up not on but 3 big plays in the secondary. You can not do this and win in the NFL, even with a really bad team. Hell I had the Chiefs winning all their remaining AFC West opponents. I guess that was a bad prediction huh. None the less the running back situation is not your problem kids in KC. The problem is you have no offense at all. I mean none, but hey LJ got what he wanted huh. You think that he is the type of player to recover and get back as quick as possible. Hell no, he got his guaranteed money. He gets paid to sit at home and eat nachos while watching this pathetic team get embarrassed.

This pic I think pretty much sums up the feel at Arrowhead once again. That was obvious from the empty seat half way through the fourth quarter. This is something you never use to see and now this is the second time in just
a few weeks that the seats are emptying out way before the game ends.
The mystique that was Arrowhead is gone and I think Queen Carl is about to figure that out and in a bad way. Maybe the new kid can get something sparked. Hey he can't do any worse. I mean Damon Played just over a half and through 2 Ints and Brody only threw one. We'll see I guess. Will be going over the rest of the league for a post tomorrow and the new BCS polls. And a new babe of the day, that might be the best part of a Blue Monday in KC.
Photos' courtesy of
Stats' courtesy of

Saturday, November 10, 2007

National Championsip.....KU, MU?

Ku, football and national championship, the two don't really go together, right. Before you answer that question wait a minute and think about it. Kansas is 10 - 0 for the first time for over a hundred years. They are one of two teams left that are undefeated in college football. Hawaii is the other team that is undefeated and they probably won't be considered for any title game. Kansas on the other hand is and will be considered for the title game. Well, if and I did say if, they can get three more wins. So yes, they have to win 3 more games, but I think it is fair to start talking about the possibility that Mangino could have them playing for all the freaking marbles. They went to Oklahoma State and from the beginning looked as though they had a chance against arguably one of the better offenses in the league. They stayed in the game the whole time and matched them score for score and then in the third quarter they pulled away for good. Oh sure, the cowboys tried to rally and come back, only one problem they could not stop Kansas and their offense. The Kansas defense is playing better and better and with the one two punch with the offense these kids are for real. I think, even though I hate to admit it, it is time to start giving these kids the respect they have earned. Their next game at Iowa State should be a given. Then the last game against Missouri should be a dandy. If they can win that one and go to the big 12 championship title game. This is really shaping up quite nicely for them, all the stars are aligning and headed to Lawrence it would appear. Hell, I might even quit Mangino jokes and rude statements. Only kidding kids, don't freak out on me yet.

With the loss of Ohio State, Mizzou actually has a chance also. Before you leave listen up kids. If KU goes into Arrowhead undefeated, and Mizzou with the one loss to OU ,and the tigers can come out of that game with a victory, and beats Presumably OU in the big 12 championship? Yeah, they could be playing for the championship game. You see the better KU does the higher they will be ranked when the two teams meet, in KC. That is helping MU's cause tremendously. This is a really exciting time in the big 12 this year. Mizzou has their senior day at Columbia and they exchange punches with A&M and then the A&M defense just could not cover all the weapons the tigers have. Chase Daniel is have a whopping year and hitting everyone he throws to. It seems that him and Chase Coffman has this little thing in the back of the end zone going. He has hit him in almost the exact same part of the end zone in two consecutive games now. Temple seems to be back 100% from his injury. The tigers are looking extremely well on offense. The defense is what we all questioned at the beginning of the year. They are looking like a complete team on both sides of the ball. We have not seen the coach have one of his great days. Great days I mean, he has not had a stroke and unable to coach and forget what got them where they are at this point. So anything is possible with them yet this season. Yet this is my team I root for the loudest, but I am starting to feel like a KU fan here all of a sudden. Hell I found myself yelling at the tv while watching the boys on national tv. Scaring the hell out of cats, dogs, kids, and my wife once I think. Lets all in the area, jump on that big 12 band wagon and have a little fun huh. Lets ride that puppy all the way to the National Championship game.

In the end I would like to also say way to go Nebraska. What in the hell got into them all of a sudden. Where in the hell has that team been all year. You know that is going to be along trip home for K-State. The wildcats went up there and got a royal ass whipping put on them like none other. Everyone has beat Nebraska, how in the hell does a team , that I WAS giving a little credit to for maybe turning the corner, forget how to tackle, run pass. Pretty much all aspects of the game of football. Hey I am rooting for both of them right now also. The more they win and the bigger they win, the better Mu and KU both look, to those damn computers. Who is running those friggin' things. Anyone ever figure out how those things work. Who designed that damn program. Not only does crack kill but it also causes you to make up crazy ass computer programs to rank football teams with.

OK, come on Sunday lets get to the NFL. See you all back here tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quarter Back Controversy

Yeah, I know I am from the midwest and my teams if you have not figured it out yet you will shortly. So, the Kansas City Chiefs, QB controversy? Well ,lets see, they have a young gun, that is what we are being told is a young gun, and a career backup. One is not making great throws, however to be fair he does have his moments of great passes. Yeah he has managed the game really well. Hell I thought the coaches was to manage the game and the players was to play the game. That is why we are paying the ticket prices, the parking prices, to pay their salaries. Last year when Trent Green suffered his first concussion and Huard was brought in he was told and everyone in the media was telling us that he was asked to not loose any game for us. No, we don't want you to go out and worry about winning games just don't loose them. Well guess what from the looks of the play on the field he is still trying not to loose any. Damn sure not winning any. Look the guy has more interceptions that touchdowns. This is the NFL and that stands for Not For Long if you keep playing like this. He is getting old his legs are not as fresh as they once was, his arm is not the strongest arm in the league. Yet we keep him on the field and not go for it with the young gun. He is a back up Herm, and Queen Carl.

Brody Croyle, has been described to us as, athletic, strong arm, make plays, make throws that alot of QB wouldn't make or can't make. If we take this description and this description only, why in the hell is he not playing. Quit giving me this crap that hey we are leading the league. Tied with San Diego, but we have the tie breaker, we beat them at their house. Does anyone including the chiefs think that if they back into the playoffs again, yes Herm you backed in the playoffs, they have a chance at beating Pittsburg, Indianopolis, in the first round. HELL, no you don't stand a chance. Look in this division yeah if you won 8 you probably win your division. Seriously though what are you going to do after that, here I will help you again, nothing. I repeat, nothing. So back to the question with that being said, why in the hell is Croyle not playing. You are not going to do anything even if you win your division. Let the kid in and see what he can do. Then you know if you need to go get one in the draft. Wait a minute Queen carl draft, well his track record is shitty, but hey he did get Mr, Dereck Johnson and a few others that might turn out. For the most part he is a bust in the draft and will probably stay there. Ok back to the point I was making. Put the kid in and lets see what hes got. Look when Brett Favre started yeah he threw ints' and he was a gunslinger. In his first three years he had more Ints than td's. The Falcons did not want him and got rid of him. Wow that proved to be a great move huh. John Elway, he was a scrambler and had his share of ints' also. In his first year, had 14 picks and 7 tds' not axactly pro bowl numbers huh. In his first ten years his Int to td ratio was not very damn good. In 92 he had 7 more picks than he did tds. He was drafted in the first round by who, not the Broncos, but the Baltimore Colts, another great trade huh.

Ok Where am I going with this, Put the young gun in and lets see what happens. I also say that we can not say that because he has a rough frist year or first half year don't jump ship and let him go. I just stated the hall of famers and their stats and they all have similarities in the way they play, gun slingers and scramblers and great arms. I see alot of the Hall of Famers in this kid. I know I am not a pro at this, but take a look will you.

Look I know that Damon is running for his life, the lack of offensive line is not his fault and not helping his cause either. I pose this question could Brody have gotten away from a few of those hurries or sacks. A few late throws could have gotten there a little quicker. Most recent the last drive against the Packers and Favre, Damon throw in my opinion late to the sideline and in front of reciever. So lets say that Brody throws late also, with a little more pep on the ball it gets there quicker and maybe he stays in huh. The long ball, what long ball. Brody has the ability to throw the long ball. Not to mention that he gives the whole team a little spark. Hell maybe the opponents will have to respect the arm of this kid and might loosen up the defense to open up the run.

Speaking of run, what are we going to do, LJ is out, oh my what are we going to do. I got it, put 31 in and let him do what LJ has done. Run right up the backsides of his linemen cause there is no hole open. Hell I acan run into the guys in front of me. What the hell have you lost, nothing that is what you have lost. Oh wait a minute the threat, no that went away five weeks ago. Or right after LJ netted a whopping 13 yards in one game. He has had 3- 100 yard games and thanks to a few long runs he got those. Half way throught the season and he has a whopping 559 yards and average of 3.5 per carry. Will 31 and the rookie do any worse. I doubt that. So quit going nuts we will be fine without Johnson. Damn sure can not get much worse huh. Hell maybe the line will want to block for the veteran running back to help with his comeback. NOT...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Where the Hell is the Hoodie

Where in the hell did the hoodie go today. I looked all day long and there was no hoodie. There was no running up the score either. You know as I sat and watched this game I though this is going to be better than it has been billed. It was better than billed.

Ok, this is where I go off on the deep end. You suppose the the Patriots was merely keeping them close until the very end, only to put it on them defensively and offensively. Are we looking at a team who can score and win whenever the hell they want to. They can play cat and mouse with whomever they want. I mean really the score was close until it was time that Brady and Co. needed to score and what happened. They scored and then they forced a turnover, and scored again. I was thinking, you don't suppose these guys have the stones to just let them get a little ways in front and then say, ok that is far enough time to go boys. Everyone said that they was cheating, so what do they do they start killing teams. Not just teams but decent or even good teams. Then we start talking about them running the score up for two weeks we talk about it and then in the biggest game of the regular season, with undefeated records on the line, they stay close until the last quarter and then we score and game over.

I know I am about half crazy, but you know what, I think this team is good enough to do it. That being said the Colts are the best team they have faced all year and will be all year. Their remaining schedule, it is possible that, yeah, the Dolphins record may be in trouble. I mean they are this good folks and I know it is crazy to think this but I do believe it would be like the hoodie to do this. Ok, we won't run the score up this week, but they will not win either. Oh we will keep it close and let them think they have a chance, but it is not gong to happen. With or without the hoodie.

So as I said, KU will roll over Nebraska. Wait a minute not just roll, this was a freaking steam engine and it was going downhill and no-one better get in its way. I know Nebraska is having troubles, but my lord this was a good old fashion ass whipin' like none other. KU beat them on both sides of the ball. 76-39 yeah that was a relentless ass whipping. At least BC moved back to where they really need to be. Why in the hell did they stay up there after their ridiculous win last week. 2:11 left and pure luck onside kick and they win. Was held to zero points until then.

Ok now hear this all of you big 12 naysayers. If MU should happen to win out and win the big 12 championship game, then you have to think they should be right there also. MU has one lost and that was to a top 6 team and played them tight until really late. The non conference schedule was not super weak but not super tough either, and they won on the road doing so. I am not counting the Illinois game a road game. It was a neutral sight, not away. Like I don't call the Arrowhead game for Mu, KU to be a road game for either also. That being said Mu did win on the road. KU did it and never left the confines of Lawrence. I think after watching the OSU game this might be a test for KU. If they get by them they could go 11-1, I think MU gets the last game, they are just way to explosive on offense and can score almost at will. Chase Daniel is a pure stud. Moral here is, GO MIDWEST.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Missouri High School

The MSHAA has a real problem. The Problem is the current Playoff and regular season schedule. You see in our big class on Friday night had a meeting between two undefeated teams that was playing and the winner goes to the playoffs and the looser goes home with no chance of a state title. You see in Missouri, the whole season is a practice for the last three games of the season. You can loose your first 7 ganes and win all three of your last games, and go into the playoffs. What did I say, you heard me, win the last three games and you are in the playoffs. In the Class 3 state title last year, the 3a juggernaut Harrisonville played against a team that finished the season at 4-6. Then got their perspective lunches handed to them in the championship game. Now granted, they beat the teams they needed to beat to get there. But does a team with a regular season record of 4-6 need to represent the east side of the state when there was teams who had lost only one or no games until the semi finals. Yes the system needs to be revamped.

Ok so back to the point I started with. Blue Springs and Rockhurst played their last game of the regular season. They played each other and both teams were undefeated. The game started off one sided and then late, the game became closer. The final score was 27-21, with one undefeated team going home. The game was all Rockhurst in the first half, holding Blue Springs without a score. Then in the second half the roles wa switched. Blue Springs kept Rockhurst from scoring. It was a hell of a game and now it turns out to be a slap in that face to a bunch of kids who have played their asses off all year, only to be sent home. How can we do this. I mean we have a organization to help keep the rules fair and to keep the game safe for these kids and they have screwed it all up for several years. Kind of like the BCS computers. How in the hell does that system work? Never mind we will discuss that later. Look Blue Springs and Rockhurst have been power houses in the state for years, and will continue to be that way, even in spite of the screwed up system. I guess they claim to have a new system for next year, there will be two teams advancing in the future, and people are saying it will help to eliminate this problem we are looking at right now. Ok, that is fine tell the kids, sorry boys go home and watch the rest of the playoffs, and we will fix it for next year. I got an Idea how bout if I tell the government, Hey I know I owe you taxes but I will catch it all up next year. You can wait until then right. No I can not wait, this system has been screwed for a long time and it should have been fixed along time ago.

SO my hats off to Both teams and to Blue Springs my condolences.

Friday, November 2, 2007

What a Weekend

Being from the midwest, this is going to be one hell of a weekend and every weekend for that matter. Lets start with KU. They once again are getting a bye in my opinion. Then again anything could and has happened this year. There is now way Nebraska beats them this week. However if you believe in motivation well then you might think that Tom Osborn coming back might light a fire in them. I know he is the AD, but he is a figure in that school like no other. Is it possible that he might be having a little more to do with the football team than we all know. It is possible. I guess. That is getting pretty thin though. So I am sticking with the original statement. There is no way KU looses this game. I think that Mangino finally has a football team. Hell If you are in the area and listen to sports radio they are not even talking about the basketball team. Ku and Basketball goes like meat and taters. It just works together, and yet no one is talking about B-Ball. It is all Football right now and as it should be. For the time being. We will have time for B-Ball later.

Now to Mu. Well they have made it this far and yet Pinkel has not had one of his melt downs yet and will he this year. It seems as though he has to have one game a year that they should win and he melts down. Like last year against KU, there is no way KU was the better team and yet MU finds a way to loose it. I know some of you might be saying what about the OU game. I am not going to give that loss to the coach. I think the players lost that one. The interception and fumble, had alot to do with that. I think they got tired of fighting in that game and lost concentration. You have a Heisman quality QB and he makes throw like that. It was a mental break down in the kids part not Pinkle this time. Yet, I believe he will before it is over. It could be this weekend with the Buffaloes. Look this Colorado team is not that bad at all. They are a team on the brink of being a pretty damn good team. A defense that is rising up at time and show some signs of greatness. MU's offense is being called a juggernaut so it could be interesting. I think MU comes out of this game with a victory. I don't think they win big but they will get the win.

This all leads me to think what if. What if KU wins out and wins the Big 12 championship. Do you have to include them in the BCS Championship. I think so. Now if MU wins out and goes to San Antonio and wins there they to could be playing for all the marbles. I think that MU would have to win out and beat a couple of them big. I mean 3 touchdowns or better in at least one or maybe 2 games. All you in the SEC are going to have to start looking at the Big 12 again. No not OU this time or Texas, Or Nebraska. Maybe MU, or KU, Hell I honestly think that CU is going to be a threat in the next year or so. Nebraska, I don't think so there are just to many problems up there and nothing that is going to get fixed soon. Callahan has once again made a mess of something he has touched. Who in the hell would want that job right now. You are at least 2-3 years out.

Then let us not forget that we have the two last unbeaten teams going head to head. How do you call this one. Well here is a little history. Whoever is at home wins. It has been this way for quite some time and it might continue this weekend. However, the sweatshirt guy really has them playing really well and they are killing people right now and there is no sign of them slowing down at all. Are they pissed about spygate or what is it. These men are playing balls out for sure. I think, and some others have the same thought, that someone is going to take it to far and hurt some one. You heat sports talk radio saying it is not running it up. Stop them if you don't like it. Yeah some one is going to say, stop it, ok I will stop it and cut Brady at the knees and out he goes. Why in the hell would you bring Brady back in in the fourth quarter when you are still winning by more than 2 touchdowns. What part of the game made you think Bellacheck, that made you think they might come back and win. Someone is not going to take it to well and freak out and hurt someone. Someone is going to have a bad reaction to the roids and freak the hell out and loose it. Cut a lineman, take Bradys' head off, you know how it is going to happen. Then the whole season is over for them if Brady goes out. There is no one out there who can keep up what he has started. Then again they might not need to if their defense keeps going like it is right now. Oh yeah, I just had to bring that part of the team up huh. Yeah their defense is playing a hell of a lot better than when they won super bowls. So this is a more complete team. Why don't we just call this game the super bowl and play the damn thing. Get it over. Oh I am really wanting to watch this game but my god it is getting old. The hype is ridiculous.

Indi however is going to play them a hell of alot closer than, anyone else has. If Bellacheck had two Brady's, he might bring in the second one and use two QBs'. Are they running up the score, who the hell cares. They are going to have their hands full this weekend. Remember Indi can put up some points. I am getting excited already. Hell I might go ahead and get the smoker warming up Saturday. Get my ribs on and pan of taters and a head or two of cabbage. Get a new 30 pack and get it going right now.