Sunday, December 2, 2007

Not Meant To Be

Well it was a hell of a game for the first half anyway. Not exactly what I had hoped for. So for now I will discuss a few things that went wrong and what will be wrong.

As I said in the last post, whoever wins the battle of the line will win this game. Well, on both sides of this game if you noticed that the OU defense was getting in the backfield on a regular basis. It almost seemed as though some of them went unblocked. I think for some of this blame goes to coach Pinkel. There was really no attempt for a running game at all. Look I know that you have a special kid taking the snaps, I know he makes plays for you. When you are one dimensional, it gets pretty easy for he other team now don't it. You had Temple back this game and at times had a little success. I think if you establish the running game you will definitely give Chase a little more time to find the right receivers. Tony Temple had a total of 26 yards on 11 carries. This was not a solid effort at a running game. Sure Maclin had 40 yards on 4 carries. He averaged 10 yard per carry. That seemed to work why in the hell did you not try it with him more than 4 times. As I have said for several weeks now coach Pinkel has not had a coaching stroke yet and this was his game. I lay most of this loss on you Coach Pinkel. Look, your defense was holding this, so called power run offense, to little success in the first half. Then OU came out and did what you should have been doing the entire game. They ran the damn football. You had to keep guys in all game to guard for that and it did what, to you coach, it give Bradford time and targets to hit in the secondary. Instead you put the weight of this whole team and the importance of this game on one kid to take on by himself. Here you go Chase, go get em TIGER. Daniels did alot of running around again tonight, was hurried and knocked down a couple of times. You played them tough for the first half and then it all changes the second half. The only real difference was there was little or no attempt of running the ball. One drive MU got penalties and moved them way back. Took them out of field goal range and that hurt. Silly mistakes, and they also appeared to be getting tired. Then late you are driving down the field and a pass goes a little high and tipped by tight end and intercepted. This one play alone took the wind right out of their sails. They was done after this, they was ready to board the plane back to Missouri.

This is the first time all year that MU did not score 30 points. Another factor, naturally. Here now we find ourselves scratching our head and trying to figure out, who in the hell will be playing in what bowl now. Here you go how about LSU and Ohio State in the big game. You know even though MU beats KU, KU probably will get the nod to play ahead of MU. There is a case in which KU might even meet OU. Then we would get to see what KU can do against them. I fear not much better. This OU team is world better than in the first meeting this year. Right now, Stoops has this team playing the best ball of their season. So Mu probably out and KU now in, but where is everyone else going to play. I guess we will leave that up to the computers and the voters also. I will be posting the bsc bowl schedule when it is all revealed. This is a great year to look at and lets see how the computers figure this one out. I can't wait to see who's ass this will be pulled from huh. There are about 6 teams out there with good, or great cases why they should be playing in the BCS, or hell even the National Championship game. Don't forget you have one undefeated team left and that is Hawaii, yet you know they will not be asked to participate. How in the hell does that make you feel coach and players. Don't answer, I know, like crap.

So I am done whining for now, I will think of more to bitch about later. In all it was a great season for the tigers and looks to be as good next year also. I think the Big 12 will be something to deal with for some time now.

Stats from

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Lisa B. said...

I'm sad MU lost. And I dont understand the way BCS works. I dont see how it is considered fair.