Sunday, December 16, 2007

I Am So Pissed

I am so pissed right now. The flippin tuna won. You all know that I have been planning on them loosing 3 more games and now the damn tuna wins one of them and I am pissed. Why could they not have just went out and continued to suck like they have all year. Why in the hell do you decide to play well enough to win now. Why, why in the hell do you do this now. You have single handily screwed the entire season for me. Thanks, I mean thanks a bunch. You almost acted as though you had a heart. You acted like you wanted to win. What the hell, did the old timers promise you all something if you would win one damn game. Well, I hope you all are happy now. So, tell me what the hell is 1-15 do for you, huh. What the hell is that going to do for you. You are not going to move up any in the draft. You still have the number one draft pick, you still have the worst record in all of football. I guess that the only thing that I can say is well there is now another team that is at this point 14-0. So your friggin record is now tied and you can hang on to that for one more week. You really think you stand a chance. Ha I don't think so. You could never win this game if you had Jesus Christ himself as coach. For that I find some peace. Now to the rest of the league.

Mr Romo, is the drop dead gorgeous Jessica Simpson wearing you out before games or what. This has to be one of the worst games you have ever played. I have to give it to you though, you do have the best looking lady in the world in your corner. Does she understand that buffaloes don't have wings yet? You let a mediocre team beat you today. The QB has a gimp knee and can not run around like he was known for. He is telling us that it is not a problem but it was apparent that the knee is a problem him. This will all come to surface when he gets traded next year and ends up a back up for someone. Well wait a minute Carl Peterson is still in the league. He loves to pick up everyone Else's has beens. So, therefore keep you head up Donovan, KC will take you. You are going to get your brains scrambled like the other 2 this year has. If your knee is not a problem yet it soon will be, while you are back there running for your life. Honestly Romo, this is not one of your stellar performances. Then again this defense was all over you, and stayed on you all day. However, you did throw several passes that was behind the recieves and some passes that should have never been thrown. You acted like you was relaxing back in bed with the stunning blonde. Won't be long until the coach tells you, that you can not see each other 3 days before every game if you keep this up. Come on go back the Romo that we all liked to watch.

Chiefs, I really thought that you had a chance today and I thought that with you having nothing to play for and your season done, I really thought that you had a chance at the beginning to run off with it. You almost acted like you wanted to play to win. When the last couple of games you have looked and played like you have given up on the entire season, the coaches, fellow teammates, the whole city. The defense had kept you in most games, they have kept you close enough to win with a kicker. Hell, you could not even pick a kicker that would work. You picked 3 of them and now it looks like you have once again picked up someone Else's old folks to play for you. Lets see there was Montana, Bono, Grbac, Anderson, and now this one. Can you not for god sakes pick your own damn team and make them good enough picks to stay with you for awhile. Oh wait a minute you do have Colquit. I know that is not all of them you have a few others on defense, but the defense was getting better. You knew you had no offensive line, you had no special team players and yet you pick how many defensive players. You can not completely ignore an entire aspect of you team. Wait you did that to 2 aspects of your team. Offense and special teams. You have 1/3 of your team. I hear alot of we need a few deep backs for the defense, no we need to get a line and someone who can run the ball back over 2 yards. We need a line that someone can run through. Wait a minute we have a kid who is doing something in his first three starts of his career. Did you new million dollar baby do that this year in his first three starts of this year with this line. No, he did not, yet you put all your collective eggs in one basket. Once again Queen Carl you screwed up again. You had a 1000 yard rusher and you traded him. We all know that running backs don't make it very long in the NFL, look at who has been playing for the Chiefs. Holmes did not make it long. LJ has not made it long. Lets see the last great hope we had as a running back drown trying to save some kids from drowning. A true hero by the way. But Come on, rather any of us like him or not Whitlock had it right you rent your damn running backs you don't put all your money in a running back. I go back to Denver, how any damn guys do they or have they had running behind their line. You can not count them on 2 hands. But they have a good line. They have had the same kicker for how many years now. Arguably the best in the league for many years.

Speaking of Denver, you let the Texans beat you. Just as you thought your season was starting to turn around then you pull off something like this and what the hell was that by the way. Can anyone explain that one. You guys start playing like you want to win and then you lay an egg for the men from Houston. Shanahan you are gone after this year. I don't see how you stay after this. I really don't. I am most likely wrong, but I don't see it. There is to much tradition of winning there and you are not getting it done now and have not for a few years now. I have to give it to you though I think that you have your QB for the next several years to build around him. This might save you, cause you are on the rise, or appears to be with this kid.

Bret "freak of nature" Favre, I am not saying this for any points, but I truly deep down in my sports heart hope that you win it all this year. This would be so fitting for you to win one more super bowl then you can go out while you are on top of the world. You have broke records and had one of your best years statistically. You act like a freaking kid out there again and, I truly hope the you win it all. The NFL would be a better place for it all happening my way. Brett wins it all and the Chiefs for some reason get their heads out of their asses and keep Queen Carl out of football decisions, and get some help for your defense.

What a year it has been and it is not over yet. Be back shortly with some previews of the Bowl season. Though be it should be a play off season but not.

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