Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Excuse Me For a Minute

If you will all allow me for a second I have a question for you. Since when does Oprah all of a sudden have a desire to enter the Presidential campaign. Look I know that if she likes a damn book everyone one in the freaking country goes out and buys it. If she has a thing for a certain doctor, he gets his own show and everyone loves him. If she likes something alot, that company agrees to host a favorite things show and GIVES her the items to give to, in her opinion, needy people, her favorite thing. Does this make her a fraud? No this makes her an incredibly smart, and giving lady. I for one love to watch her damn show. I like her interviews with certain people and the way she appears to get them to open up. If Oprah wants something, then she goes and gets it. I do however think that all the while she is secretly saying to herself. Ha Ha whitey look at the cash I have now. You can not hold me down.

Ok now back to Oprah and the election. I kind of got off on a tangent there for a moment. I did that because this is in no way a racist post. I have nothing against the black community, NOTHING. I don't understand alot of you and the way you act, then again Thomas and Marco would have asked the same question. Oprah why all of a sudden are you into politics. Is it, and I say this with the utmost respect, because there is a black man in the race. I mean you have never been involved with politicians before and now you support a black man running for the White House. You only decide to break into this when for the first time we have a black man running for the presidency. I mean you have supported a hell of a lot of things before and now a BLACK man running for the White House. You have to admit this looks a little suspicious huh. You are trying to tell us that all of a sudden this man is different from any other person running. He should be trusted like no other. I have bad news for you Oprah, if he was the second coming of christ, he can not do anything until you get the lobbyist out of Washington. Oprah if I was to tell you that I would give you 3 million dollars to put towards your angel network if you would promote my sports blog on your daily show. I only want one show, and I only want one segment. Tell me you would not take the 3 million. Tell me you wouldn't do it. Now that being said, the politicians are in the same battle. The oil companies tell them, I will donate 2 million to your campaign fund if you vote with me and my 30 billion dollar a year company. Here you go, here is your check. What the hell do I care how high the gas prices are get if I have a couple million extra in my back pocket now would I. So I ask you again, do you really think this man is the chosen one, and he will not fall to the lobbyist, he will not take the checks and vote against us. Us, the people having to work our ass off and never get ahead. Or is this just a self promoting issue with her. Is it her way of saying slaves huh, take that, now one of your slaves is now your president. Take that and stick it in your collective white asses. I am sorry I think that this is the way this is going. I can not help to think that this is her way of saying take that. I am probably wrong I usually am, but I can not help to feel this way. Barack obama is from a split marriage. His mother white and father black from Kenya. his father went to Harvard and he followed in his fathers footsteps. His father died after returning to Kenya in a car accident. His mother died from ovarian cancer. All of this by the way means nothing, this is not where I try to make a point this is merely background. His claim to fame is electoral reform and a law to monitor racial profiling. Hey maybe that is why Miss Oprah is following him. It could not have been his drug habit. He has admitted to taking marijuana and cocaine during his teenage years. Hey, now my hats off to him for knocking the habit if he has and I assume that he has.

All that being said, anyone come up with why all of a sudden that Oprah is getting into the presidential race with Mr Obama? Me neither, I guess that we will probably never know for sure. This is merely something that has been bothering me and I need to get it off of my chest. I want to thank you all for listening to me vent a little. I really hope that the number one Oprah fan is not reading this. (my mother in law) She will kill me. A lot of you Oprah fans are saying you have lost your mind. I know that a lot of the people at the meetings all say that the only reason that they was there was to see her. So now I tell you this, when it comes time to vote and they are trying to remember which candidate they want how many is going to remember this man because of Oprah. I would have to say 100%. The only good part of this whole situation is that I would imagine that Hillary GOD DAMN Clinton is in a little room saying why in the hell did I not think of this. Well, I have this answer for you, MRS. Clinton, Oprah is smarter than that.

I think I liked Oprah better when she was promoting books and Dr. Phil. Wait a minute I know that I did, I did not have the same shitty taste in my mouth......

1 Showed Their cohones:

Lisa B. said...

I agree everything she touches turns to gold.

I believe the whole process needs to be changed to a more level playing field. If you dont have money, there's no way you can compete with all the other campaigns, and that's not they way it's suppose to be.