Sunday, December 16, 2007

I Am So Pissed

I am so pissed right now. The flippin tuna won. You all know that I have been planning on them loosing 3 more games and now the damn tuna wins one of them and I am pissed. Why could they not have just went out and continued to suck like they have all year. Why in the hell do you decide to play well enough to win now. Why, why in the hell do you do this now. You have single handily screwed the entire season for me. Thanks, I mean thanks a bunch. You almost acted as though you had a heart. You acted like you wanted to win. What the hell, did the old timers promise you all something if you would win one damn game. Well, I hope you all are happy now. So, tell me what the hell is 1-15 do for you, huh. What the hell is that going to do for you. You are not going to move up any in the draft. You still have the number one draft pick, you still have the worst record in all of football. I guess that the only thing that I can say is well there is now another team that is at this point 14-0. So your friggin record is now tied and you can hang on to that for one more week. You really think you stand a chance. Ha I don't think so. You could never win this game if you had Jesus Christ himself as coach. For that I find some peace. Now to the rest of the league.

Mr Romo, is the drop dead gorgeous Jessica Simpson wearing you out before games or what. This has to be one of the worst games you have ever played. I have to give it to you though, you do have the best looking lady in the world in your corner. Does she understand that buffaloes don't have wings yet? You let a mediocre team beat you today. The QB has a gimp knee and can not run around like he was known for. He is telling us that it is not a problem but it was apparent that the knee is a problem him. This will all come to surface when he gets traded next year and ends up a back up for someone. Well wait a minute Carl Peterson is still in the league. He loves to pick up everyone Else's has beens. So, therefore keep you head up Donovan, KC will take you. You are going to get your brains scrambled like the other 2 this year has. If your knee is not a problem yet it soon will be, while you are back there running for your life. Honestly Romo, this is not one of your stellar performances. Then again this defense was all over you, and stayed on you all day. However, you did throw several passes that was behind the recieves and some passes that should have never been thrown. You acted like you was relaxing back in bed with the stunning blonde. Won't be long until the coach tells you, that you can not see each other 3 days before every game if you keep this up. Come on go back the Romo that we all liked to watch.

Chiefs, I really thought that you had a chance today and I thought that with you having nothing to play for and your season done, I really thought that you had a chance at the beginning to run off with it. You almost acted like you wanted to play to win. When the last couple of games you have looked and played like you have given up on the entire season, the coaches, fellow teammates, the whole city. The defense had kept you in most games, they have kept you close enough to win with a kicker. Hell, you could not even pick a kicker that would work. You picked 3 of them and now it looks like you have once again picked up someone Else's old folks to play for you. Lets see there was Montana, Bono, Grbac, Anderson, and now this one. Can you not for god sakes pick your own damn team and make them good enough picks to stay with you for awhile. Oh wait a minute you do have Colquit. I know that is not all of them you have a few others on defense, but the defense was getting better. You knew you had no offensive line, you had no special team players and yet you pick how many defensive players. You can not completely ignore an entire aspect of you team. Wait you did that to 2 aspects of your team. Offense and special teams. You have 1/3 of your team. I hear alot of we need a few deep backs for the defense, no we need to get a line and someone who can run the ball back over 2 yards. We need a line that someone can run through. Wait a minute we have a kid who is doing something in his first three starts of his career. Did you new million dollar baby do that this year in his first three starts of this year with this line. No, he did not, yet you put all your collective eggs in one basket. Once again Queen Carl you screwed up again. You had a 1000 yard rusher and you traded him. We all know that running backs don't make it very long in the NFL, look at who has been playing for the Chiefs. Holmes did not make it long. LJ has not made it long. Lets see the last great hope we had as a running back drown trying to save some kids from drowning. A true hero by the way. But Come on, rather any of us like him or not Whitlock had it right you rent your damn running backs you don't put all your money in a running back. I go back to Denver, how any damn guys do they or have they had running behind their line. You can not count them on 2 hands. But they have a good line. They have had the same kicker for how many years now. Arguably the best in the league for many years.

Speaking of Denver, you let the Texans beat you. Just as you thought your season was starting to turn around then you pull off something like this and what the hell was that by the way. Can anyone explain that one. You guys start playing like you want to win and then you lay an egg for the men from Houston. Shanahan you are gone after this year. I don't see how you stay after this. I really don't. I am most likely wrong, but I don't see it. There is to much tradition of winning there and you are not getting it done now and have not for a few years now. I have to give it to you though I think that you have your QB for the next several years to build around him. This might save you, cause you are on the rise, or appears to be with this kid.

Bret "freak of nature" Favre, I am not saying this for any points, but I truly deep down in my sports heart hope that you win it all this year. This would be so fitting for you to win one more super bowl then you can go out while you are on top of the world. You have broke records and had one of your best years statistically. You act like a freaking kid out there again and, I truly hope the you win it all. The NFL would be a better place for it all happening my way. Brett wins it all and the Chiefs for some reason get their heads out of their asses and keep Queen Carl out of football decisions, and get some help for your defense.

What a year it has been and it is not over yet. Be back shortly with some previews of the Bowl season. Though be it should be a play off season but not.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Excuse Me For a Minute

If you will all allow me for a second I have a question for you. Since when does Oprah all of a sudden have a desire to enter the Presidential campaign. Look I know that if she likes a damn book everyone one in the freaking country goes out and buys it. If she has a thing for a certain doctor, he gets his own show and everyone loves him. If she likes something alot, that company agrees to host a favorite things show and GIVES her the items to give to, in her opinion, needy people, her favorite thing. Does this make her a fraud? No this makes her an incredibly smart, and giving lady. I for one love to watch her damn show. I like her interviews with certain people and the way she appears to get them to open up. If Oprah wants something, then she goes and gets it. I do however think that all the while she is secretly saying to herself. Ha Ha whitey look at the cash I have now. You can not hold me down.

Ok now back to Oprah and the election. I kind of got off on a tangent there for a moment. I did that because this is in no way a racist post. I have nothing against the black community, NOTHING. I don't understand alot of you and the way you act, then again Thomas and Marco would have asked the same question. Oprah why all of a sudden are you into politics. Is it, and I say this with the utmost respect, because there is a black man in the race. I mean you have never been involved with politicians before and now you support a black man running for the White House. You only decide to break into this when for the first time we have a black man running for the presidency. I mean you have supported a hell of a lot of things before and now a BLACK man running for the White House. You have to admit this looks a little suspicious huh. You are trying to tell us that all of a sudden this man is different from any other person running. He should be trusted like no other. I have bad news for you Oprah, if he was the second coming of christ, he can not do anything until you get the lobbyist out of Washington. Oprah if I was to tell you that I would give you 3 million dollars to put towards your angel network if you would promote my sports blog on your daily show. I only want one show, and I only want one segment. Tell me you would not take the 3 million. Tell me you wouldn't do it. Now that being said, the politicians are in the same battle. The oil companies tell them, I will donate 2 million to your campaign fund if you vote with me and my 30 billion dollar a year company. Here you go, here is your check. What the hell do I care how high the gas prices are get if I have a couple million extra in my back pocket now would I. So I ask you again, do you really think this man is the chosen one, and he will not fall to the lobbyist, he will not take the checks and vote against us. Us, the people having to work our ass off and never get ahead. Or is this just a self promoting issue with her. Is it her way of saying slaves huh, take that, now one of your slaves is now your president. Take that and stick it in your collective white asses. I am sorry I think that this is the way this is going. I can not help to think that this is her way of saying take that. I am probably wrong I usually am, but I can not help to feel this way. Barack obama is from a split marriage. His mother white and father black from Kenya. his father went to Harvard and he followed in his fathers footsteps. His father died after returning to Kenya in a car accident. His mother died from ovarian cancer. All of this by the way means nothing, this is not where I try to make a point this is merely background. His claim to fame is electoral reform and a law to monitor racial profiling. Hey maybe that is why Miss Oprah is following him. It could not have been his drug habit. He has admitted to taking marijuana and cocaine during his teenage years. Hey, now my hats off to him for knocking the habit if he has and I assume that he has.

All that being said, anyone come up with why all of a sudden that Oprah is getting into the presidential race with Mr Obama? Me neither, I guess that we will probably never know for sure. This is merely something that has been bothering me and I need to get it off of my chest. I want to thank you all for listening to me vent a little. I really hope that the number one Oprah fan is not reading this. (my mother in law) She will kill me. A lot of you Oprah fans are saying you have lost your mind. I know that a lot of the people at the meetings all say that the only reason that they was there was to see her. So now I tell you this, when it comes time to vote and they are trying to remember which candidate they want how many is going to remember this man because of Oprah. I would have to say 100%. The only good part of this whole situation is that I would imagine that Hillary GOD DAMN Clinton is in a little room saying why in the hell did I not think of this. Well, I have this answer for you, MRS. Clinton, Oprah is smarter than that.

I think I liked Oprah better when she was promoting books and Dr. Phil. Wait a minute I know that I did, I did not have the same shitty taste in my mouth......

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fair Weather Fans ?

Are we fair weather fans? Well I pose this to you, why is there maybe half or three quarters of the stands full. Look, when our perspective teams are doing well we pack the stands and not when they are sucking. Well, right now alot of teams are sucking and not much chance of change either. Lets look at it. The Kansas City Chiefs have had a sell out for several years now and this year after the beginning of the season, not so much. One of the local tv stations are buying up the tickets to broadcast it. Why you say, well hell they make a ton of money to broadcast it. Even though we are not out at the stadium watching, we are watching at home. The advertising goes way up for this game. I think if I am not mistaken they get some compensation from the league for the televised games also. From the network or the NFL one or the other. So as I sit and watch a pathetic team, in the chiefs, play a horrific game, when it ended they went to the NY Jets game. I could almost count on two hands the people in the stands. It looked like a ghost town. You think for one second the stands are filled in Miami. Well, if they are it is because they are wanting to see the run the tables in reverse. We will get to that later. So, guess what, Queen Carl, your 5 year plan is up, that was about 15 years ago. You did what you wanted and that was to fill the seats. Now your fans are on to you. Put a team, worth spending $100.oo a person, on the field and they might return. Until then they won't be back. You have had your run and it is time for you to move on. I retract what I might have said earlier, you don't need to be in charge of shit, advertising, marketing, anything. Take your bags and move to another city and drain them of their hard earned dollars on a pipe dream. It is not happening here anymore. If anyone is reading and you have tickets to the last remaining game at Arrowhead, stay home. I would love to see about 500 people show up and that is it. No that was not a misprint, or a fat finger, I said it, 500 people in the stands. Don't be giving those greedy, lying bastards anymore of our hard earned money. They need to put something on the field worth watching, let alone spending a couple hundred bucks on going to the game. I can stay at home or go to the bar to watch it and increase the economy. That would be better for everyone, not just the QUEEN.

Now on to the the horrific game, or so called game. After the game I hear something from our head coach that I could not believe. He was pissed at the defense, are you freaking serious. They are on the verge of turning on you Herm baby. You think that there is only one side of the damn ball. I don't think so, not in the least bit. This defense has kept your inept ass in several games for you and your damn Coordinator to loose it for them. You think that these men are going to keep going out and killing themselves for you to lose it for them. Look, I know, I have heard it all before and I am not buying in at all. Defense might help to win the championship, but not without scoring. Are you trying to tell me that if you have a 25 game winning pitcher for you he can win by himself. If he only gives up 1 friggin run and you can't score ANY, guess what dumbass, you still loose. If you hit every green in regulation, and you 3, or 4 putt, guess what dumbass, you won't win a jacket. Do I need to give you more examples. I did not think so. I know you have a decent defense and it is good enough to win with, hell you might even win a silver football. However if you can't score, if you can't putt, if you can't hit the ball, you won't win dumbass. Who is the dumbass, well there is several of you out there on this team. Now you stick a kid out there at the QB spot to get his flippin brains scrambled. Take another one out on a stretcher. Bitch at your defense, the only thing keeping you within 3 points. You really don't think it was you or your damn play calling do you. If this is what your are thinking then you have lost your mind. You are no longer in touch with reality. You have lost the last bit of sanity. I can only hope that with your #4 or #5 draft pick that you, Queen Carl don't have another bust. I will give you a hint you don't need another running back, you don't need another linebacker to turn into a halfback. You need a line. Look around you DUMBASS, the Denver Broncos can stick anyone in as running back and gain a 100+ yards a game. They have done it year in and year out for how many years. You think it is that they are that damn lucky, I don't think so. Not hardly, they have a line. You think that the Patroits have a hall of fame running back, did Green Bay, did Indianapolis, did San Fran? No, none of them did. Now that is not to say that Craig with San Fran was not good, that is not to say that Malony is not good, and the list goes on, but are any of them hall worthy. Hell no, they aren't. Yet they all managed to win the big ones,did they not. There is one exception to this rule. Emmit Smith, and yet he was willing to take a pay cut for the team. Do you have a guy like this, no you have one that you sunk all your money into and has done absolutely nothing this year. Oh he got paid and has done nothing. If he gets healed, guess what, with the friggin line you have he is going to get hurt again, and again and again. Just like your new QB is going to get. Look Len Dawson said it best, Croyle did not have a cast or anything after the game so that is a good thing. That was the only thing the hall of famer could come up with good. Croyle did not have a cast on when he left the locker room. You should be proud Herm and Carl.

Ok, now, those of you who have been coming by here know that I am pulling for the Dolphins to run the tables in reverse. They are about there, we all need to pull together here and root for them. I thought that a week ago they was going to win one and that almost pissed me off. I almost threw a fit. There is one game left that is bothering me, Baltimore. This is a game that could go against all of us that is rooting for them. The record that has made it this long, will have to be erased from the books if they go win less. I don't care if the Pats do win out, I want the other record taken off the books if they go in reverse this year. This will no longer count, it can not count if you loose all 16. We are at 0 - 13 and I am getting excited. If they go 0 - 15 I am going to have a party to watch the last one. That one has to be Nationally televised doesn't it. I mean even if you are in Boston and the Pats are about to go 16 - 0, even you chowds, would want to see 0 - 16 more wouldn't you? Come on, don't you lie to me, you want to see it don't you. Well, if it comes down to that, I am having the party. Hell, I might even get Sunday ticket for one damn game. It would so be worth it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Figure This One

Ok so here in a minute, or you can scroll down now to see the latest BCS standings. I have a few questions and I have looked and looked and I can not figure what the hell or how the hell they come up with their decisions. I sat and watched Fox Sports announce the bowls for everyone. Well, the BCS games that is. Here below is the final standings and after you browse through this then try to help me figure out what the hell or how the hell they derived at this. I was only going to list the top 10 for the BCS games but it is going to take the top 13 teams to get them all in. These are the BCS standings as found on I am not making this up.

1. Ohio State 11-1
2. LSU 11-2
3. Virginia Tech 11-2
4. Oklahoma 11-2
5. Georgia 10-2
6. Missouri 11-2
7. USC 10-2
8. Kansas 11-1
9. West Virginia 10-2
10. Hawaii 12-0
11. Arizona State 10-2
12. Florida 9-3
13. Illinois 9-3

Ok so lets start of with this, the #1 and #2 I get, well I kind of get but I am fine with that. Then we move on down to the first of many questions I have. So (3) Oklahoma will be taking on (9) West Virginia. How in the hell do you go to that. You leave (5) Georgia out all together. You leave the #5 team out all together. Oh wait it gets better. Then you go to the Orange bowl, this is the one that is going to leave a crawl in my throat for awhile. Then you hear all the so called experts saying that Missouri got hosed and it makes it even worse. The #8 Kansas Jayhawks leap over the #6 Missouri team to get into the Orange Bowl. Now look I know that MU lost one more game than KU. MU played one more game that KU. KU played the 110th toughest schedule, MU played the 29th toughest schedule. MU beat KU head to head. MU beat teams that KU played and beat them bigger. Yet, MU gets hosed one more time this year in the rankings. Just like when WV jumped over MU in week 13. This one however is going to sting a little longer. I know that only 2 teams from each conference can go, I understand that. Tell me this, why is the higher ranked team not going, why is the team that beat the other team not going. Can anyone out there answer this. Wait, don't answer,I am afraid one of those KU fans will open thier mouth and more vomit will come running out. I said it from the very beginning, if they ever play a ranked team they will loose and they did. I can almost guarantee you that they are going to get their asses handed to them. ManGINA get prepared for your second ass whipping and I hope this time your opponent don't go into prevent defense and soft offense on your ass. Ok, now I have the homer comments out of the way now on to more bogus bowls. How in the hell does #13 Illinois jump up and take a game and again the #6 does not make it in a game. So everyone in the top 10 is in a BCS game except for one team. Guess who that is, yes the # 6 Mizzou Tigers. Guess what the Mizzou Tigers beat them also. I know that one of the top 10 teams would not make it because there was to many Big 12 teams, but how in the hell do you leave the team who beat 2 of the teams in your damn BCS games. Yes they beat 2 of the teams you pride you and your friggin system on. Has anyone in the BCS games beat anyone else in the games. NO, only MU has beat any of them and they have beat 2 of them. Now I know the Cotton Bowl is a good bowl and it is in the New Year. This is a first in quite some time.

I am sitting and listening to Jimmy Johnson and the boys announce these games and I hear them say it also. One deserved to be there, but thier not. What are you going to do? I listen to local news and they say point balnk, MU gets hosed. I listen to ManGINA at his little press conferance, and he says I did not understand some of the decisions but I am glad for our team. You think he know he got friggin lucky huh. YOU THANK. Damn right you got lucky. We beat you and ended up ranked higher in all polls and yet you get the damn game. Look in a year when anything could and did happen, I understand this was going to be one of those crazy sorting all this out years but, but when you are ranked higher and you beat the other team head to head, I think it is time that something be done. Look this bowl season lasts over 3 weeks, why in the hell can you not take the top 8 teams and let them play. That will take you exactly 3 weeks to do that. It is appearantly all about the money, so there you go. These last 8 teams will be playing for more in every game. You don't think that the NCAA tourny don't take in a ton of money when they have there 3 week playoff for that title. Look at NCAA baseball it takes a hell of alot longer than 3 weeks. You bring them to 2 different sites and call them what ever the hell you want to call them and let them play. If you want to call it the Orange Bowl then fine call it the Orange Bowl, then you can call one the Fiesta Bowl, and the Sugar Bowl, ect. Then you keep playing and the next thing you know is that you have a National Champion and fairly so.

I am done bitching now, but something needs to be done. I don't think the plus one will work either. Plus one will not help out the crap that is going on this year and this is not the first time and will not be the last time either. Look if you are not good enough to be ranked in the top 10 then you don't deserve to be playing in a BCS game and yet we have that happening right now.

Not Meant To Be

Well it was a hell of a game for the first half anyway. Not exactly what I had hoped for. So for now I will discuss a few things that went wrong and what will be wrong.

As I said in the last post, whoever wins the battle of the line will win this game. Well, on both sides of this game if you noticed that the OU defense was getting in the backfield on a regular basis. It almost seemed as though some of them went unblocked. I think for some of this blame goes to coach Pinkel. There was really no attempt for a running game at all. Look I know that you have a special kid taking the snaps, I know he makes plays for you. When you are one dimensional, it gets pretty easy for he other team now don't it. You had Temple back this game and at times had a little success. I think if you establish the running game you will definitely give Chase a little more time to find the right receivers. Tony Temple had a total of 26 yards on 11 carries. This was not a solid effort at a running game. Sure Maclin had 40 yards on 4 carries. He averaged 10 yard per carry. That seemed to work why in the hell did you not try it with him more than 4 times. As I have said for several weeks now coach Pinkel has not had a coaching stroke yet and this was his game. I lay most of this loss on you Coach Pinkel. Look, your defense was holding this, so called power run offense, to little success in the first half. Then OU came out and did what you should have been doing the entire game. They ran the damn football. You had to keep guys in all game to guard for that and it did what, to you coach, it give Bradford time and targets to hit in the secondary. Instead you put the weight of this whole team and the importance of this game on one kid to take on by himself. Here you go Chase, go get em TIGER. Daniels did alot of running around again tonight, was hurried and knocked down a couple of times. You played them tough for the first half and then it all changes the second half. The only real difference was there was little or no attempt of running the ball. One drive MU got penalties and moved them way back. Took them out of field goal range and that hurt. Silly mistakes, and they also appeared to be getting tired. Then late you are driving down the field and a pass goes a little high and tipped by tight end and intercepted. This one play alone took the wind right out of their sails. They was done after this, they was ready to board the plane back to Missouri.

This is the first time all year that MU did not score 30 points. Another factor, naturally. Here now we find ourselves scratching our head and trying to figure out, who in the hell will be playing in what bowl now. Here you go how about LSU and Ohio State in the big game. You know even though MU beats KU, KU probably will get the nod to play ahead of MU. There is a case in which KU might even meet OU. Then we would get to see what KU can do against them. I fear not much better. This OU team is world better than in the first meeting this year. Right now, Stoops has this team playing the best ball of their season. So Mu probably out and KU now in, but where is everyone else going to play. I guess we will leave that up to the computers and the voters also. I will be posting the bsc bowl schedule when it is all revealed. This is a great year to look at and lets see how the computers figure this one out. I can't wait to see who's ass this will be pulled from huh. There are about 6 teams out there with good, or great cases why they should be playing in the BCS, or hell even the National Championship game. Don't forget you have one undefeated team left and that is Hawaii, yet you know they will not be asked to participate. How in the hell does that make you feel coach and players. Don't answer, I know, like crap.

So I am done whining for now, I will think of more to bitch about later. In all it was a great season for the tigers and looks to be as good next year also. I think the Big 12 will be something to deal with for some time now.

Stats from